The 13th Century, 1200 -
King, Church, Nobility |
The 13th century is introducing the Danish flag named Dannebrog.

The legend is telling the Danish flag was falling down from heaven
the 15th of June 1219 at a battle at Tallin in Estonia.
The eldest known copy of the Danish flag was conquered by the Germans
from a Danish navy ship in 1427. The flag disapeared during the 2nd
world war (1939 - 1945).
At the opening of the Suez-canal in 1869, Dannebrog was proclaimed
to be the most beautiful flag of the entire world!
1201 Holstein
After concentration of troops on both sides of the
borders of Germany and Denmark, the countries are at war in 1201.
Itzehoe and Plön are soon captured by the Danes, and in the end
of October Hamburg is Danish. In 1202 Lübeck is Danish, and the
king Knud 4. is celebrated by the inhabitants. |
1219 Estonia
King Valdemar 2. Sejr is sailing with a very big Danish fleet to Estonia,
he is making a crusade. At Lyndanisse it is easy for the Danes to beat
the estonians. The Danes are beginning to build a castle.
Without any knowledge by the Danes, the estonians have collected an
army to defeat the Danes.
June 15. the Danes are suddenly attacked by the Estonians. There is
big confussion among the Danes, but suddenly a flag is falling down
from heaven - June the 15th 1219 is the birthday of the Danish flag
- anyway Denmark had a great victory. Estonia is Danish!
Near the castle the Danes are building, and a city is growing. The
city is todays capital of Estonia, Tallin, which means 'the city of
the Danes'.

As can been seeing at the coin from Estonia, Estonias shield is very
much like the Danish except the missing 9 hearts. Until 1940 Estonia
were using this shield, and they are using it again when they got they
independence back in 1990.
1223 Kidnapping
The Danes got a serious problem, because the king Valdemar 2. Sejr
and his eldest son are kidnapped and sent to the castle in Dannenberg
in Germany.
Denmark is a little lucky because the Pope is supporting the Danes.
For some reasons the Germans are better for war than the Danes, and
Denmark got in 1225 defeated at Möln, so the Danes have only negotiations
left to do.
Denmark payes a very big ransom, and after the Danes has promissed
not to do any revenge, king Valdemar 2. Sejr (Victory) can return to
his country at Christmas.
1227 End of the Superpowerdreams
Naturally the king wanted revenge, and in 1226 he is collecting a big
army. The Danes are beating everyone and getting back all the old Danish
countries. The Ditmarshes are returning to the old kingdom and they
are also set up an army to be allied with the Danes.
Everything is going fine for the danes!
July the 22nd the final battle is taking place between the Germans
and the Danes. The Germans are using their last resources and it seems
the Danes will going to have a victory - suddenly the Ditmarshes, who
were allied with the Danes, are fightting together with the Germans.
The Danes are defeated - and if Denmark had a dream of being a superpower,
that day was the end of the dream.
1241 The End
The great king Valdemar 2. Sejr is dying. He was very popular to the
Danish people. The king lost all his dreams and hopes in 1227. Short
time before he died, he is giving a set of laws to the danish people,
'Jydske Lov' or 'the Laws of Jutland'. Today Denmark still is using
this law, if there is trial and the matter is not described in a Danish
laws of today!
1250 Fratricide
Soon after their fathers death king Erik and his brother, who are the
duke of Slesvig, began to fight eachother. The duke, Abel, wants the
kingdom. To increase the kings income the Danish king invent a new tax
on ploughs. The new tax is making the king very unpopular. The church
is also changing its policy to increase its own power.
People around Denmark are using the situation to plunder.
The king is defeating the duke, but the Germans don't want to see a
strong Danish king and are beginning to collect troops. King Erik is
moving with his troops to Slesvig. The duke, Abel, use the chance to
get his brother murdered. Everybody in Denmark knows that the duke is
the murder, but he swear together with 24 knights he is innocent and
became king of Denmark.
King Abel is better as king of Denmark, than his brother, and again
there is peace inside Denmark. Because of his friendship with the Germans
there is peace at the Danish border to Germany. The Norwegians and the
Swedes are planning an attack on Denmark. The Frisians are refusing
to pay taxes as usual, and king Abel is going to collect the money,
but he is killed. The people of Denmark believes that the killing is
a punishment from God because of the fratricide.
A son of the late king Valdemar is selected as the new king Christoffer.
1259 Kingdom, Christianity
At the same time as Christoffer is becoming king of Denmark, his most
important enemy in the church, Jakob Erlandsen, is selected as archbishop.
The archbishop is a spokesman for the church, which wishes to be more
important than the crown.
In 1256 the archbishop is making a condemnation of the king, but not
all the bishops of the Danish church agree with him. The fights for
power between the church and the king are increasing and in 1259 the
king arrests the archbishop. The 29th of May the king suddenly die,
probably he is poisened by a cisterciensabbot.
1282 Coronation Charter
Erik is not of age when he became king so in the first years Denmark
is ruled by a regency. The regency did a big mistake in 1261, when they
thought they could get back some of the lost countries. South of the
Danish/German border Denmark lost a battle. The king and his mother
are taken as prisoners. Denmark has to give many estates away to the
Germans. Because of the lost battle, and because the church is trying
to get more power Denmark has nearly again a civil war.
Slowly the king is getting his power back, but the taxes are still
increasing, and the money looses value, because Denmark has to have
a strong army. In 1282 the king has to sign a Coronation Charter, which
is the first constitution of Denmark. The most important in the charter
is that the king must once a year call in for a parlamentar meeting.
1286 Regicide
In 1284 King Erik made an agreement with the German princes and the
Hanseatic League to make better conditions for their businessmen in
Denmark. The agreement make the Norwegians angry.
In 1285 there is war between Norway and Denmark, and at the same time
the duke of Slesvig demands more land to rule. He is taken the island
Als and the royal estates in Slesvig. He also demands the crown! The
royal army are defeating him and the duke is taken as prisoner. After
a half year in prison he swear to never annoy the king. November the
22nd 1286 the king is murdered.

Denmark is in shock, is the murdering the beginning af a new civil
war? There are rumors telling, that the duke of Slesvig wants to be
the new king. But the murdered kings advisors is standing by the new
kings side, the only 12 year old Erik Menved.
At the parlamentary meeting in Nyborg in 1287, 9 men are accused of
the killing of the king Erik Klipping. The men are now outlaws. During
the next years the 9 men are plundering and at the same time the Norwegians
also are plundering and burning down cities at different places in Denmark.
It takes 7 years before the king has recreate enough power to fight
the outlaws.