April the 1st 1851 was the day, when the first Danish postage
stamp was issued.
The value of the postage stamp was 4 (fire) RigsBankSkilling,
which was the rate for a normal letter all over Denmark. In the
Danish capital, Copenhagen, the rate was 2 RBS, but the stamp
with this value was first issued a month later. The 2 RBS stamp
is the most expensive danish stamp.

Until 1864 Denmark had 3 duchies: Slesvig, Holstein, and Lauenburg,
where most of the people were speaking German.

To satisfy the Germans the stamps were from 1854 printed with
the text using abbreviations, which meant the same in both the
Danish and the German language.
Abbreviation |
Danish |
German |
English |
KonGeLig |
KöniGLich |
Royal |
Postal |
FRiMćrke |
FReiMarke |
Stamp |
S |
Skilling |
Schilling |