Previous Page The Rhodesian Ridgeback - Tjika, 1989 - 2000


Born August 12th 1989

Died October 30th 2000

Dearest angel
Today you left for heaven
you could leave still like a queen
the look in your eyes told me you knew it was time
time for a goodbye and also a thank you
for being a part of the family

Please father give me an icecream, you asked
of course I gave you one and you said:
no this isn't good enough for me - another one please!
you explorer how water could be stiff and could say funny when you stepped on it
I remember when you looked at your own kingdom from your hill.
I remember how you could put your nose in my hand.
time for a goodbye and also a thank you
for being a part of the family

When time will come we will be together again
looking at our world from our hill
holding hands and paws but today it is
time for a goodbye and also a thank you
for being a part of the family

I miss you Tjika!!!

Poem written in the evening, October the 30th 2000
by Steen Hartmann

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