The first archaeological trace of human beings in Denmark were found
in 1912. The trace are some bones from fallow deers. The bones have
been broken by human beings over 100,000 years ago!
The most of Denmark was covered by ice in the latest glacial age, but
fortunately the ice began melting and slowly people moved to the area
today known as Denmark.
The first agriculture people moved to Denmark about 3,000 years B.C.
and for the next 1,000 years people of Denmark became a agriculture
society trading with other countries.

About 1,000 years B.C. Denmark is a rich society. The Danes are making
very beautiful things, often covered by gold. From that time the Danes
made ornamentation like what you see on todays Danish coins and paper
Later the Danes made the lures, which have been a trademark for the
butter Denmark is exporting.

About 300 years B.C. the Greek Pytheas has taking a trip to the north
of the world and from the island Abalus (Heligoland) he saw a very big
island, which he called Basilia - the island is Jutland! this is the
first written down report about Denmark.
Something is happening about 100 years B.C. 2 big tribes from Denmark
are leaving the country and are going south. In the Alpes they have
a victory over the roman army.The Danes are moving on - they 'visit'
Spain - just like they do today and after that visit they are moving
against Rome!
The Danes were defeating the romans in the Alpes, and the Romans are
being very nervous about these barbarians. The Romans are assembling
armies and in the year 102 B.C. they finaly have a victory over the
Danes. The nature helped the Romans by making very hot weather, which
is not the best for the Danes, and even the Danish women were struggeling
- the Danes were defeated. A very few Danes are surviving and are shown
at a victoryparade in Rome.
The Danish mercenary soul is surviving and in the next many years Denmark
has a lot of trading with the Romans. Denmark is exporting amber and
importing metals and glass.