In 1813 king Frederik tried to join the european allies
against France, but only if he would give away Norway to Sweden,
instead Denmark could get some parts of the northern Germany and
the Netherlands! This is a too high price for Denmark, so Denmark
stay together with France. |
The war with the europeans is over December the 15th 1813, and the
14th of January 1814 a peaceagreement is signed in Kiel.
Denmark has to give away Norway to Sweden, instead Denmark gets some
of the German countries occupied by Sweden. Denmark and Norway have
been together for over 450 years and it is a very serious loss. The
norwegians are not happy to be Swedish, and selects the Danish crown
prince Christian as their king. - The norwegians did not ever been real
Before the peace-agreement Denmark had about 4,000,000 inhabitants
and after the loss of Norway only 3,000,000 inhabitants - 1,000,000
were German.
A royal offial said:
A glourious juvel (Norway) has fallen out of the Danish kings
crown, so it is important to make the juvels left, much more glourious.
A navyship is sailing to the Danish West Indies, where there have
been a kind of anarchy during the war. When the low and order returned
to the coloni a shipping route was opened between the towns Charlotte
Amalie (Sct. Thomas) and Christianssted (Sct. Croix).
Even their was a war going on, a new custom from Germany
arrived at Denmark -it was the Christmas-tree.
In 1811 a family in Copenhagen is celebrating Christmas-eve
by taking a tree inside the house.