During the 60's people from the country people went to the cities
to get jobs in factories or in the offices.
The society was changing from 50 percent agriculture to a mostly
industrial/administrative society.
Young people were needing a radio, where they could hear the music
they like. In Denmark it was only allowed for the government owned radio
to broadcast.
In 1958 radioequipment was installed on a little coaster, which
was sailing to the international waters between Sweden and Denmark.
The broadcasting was stopped in August 1962, where the vessel was boarded
and towed to the harbour of Copenhagen. It should last a half year before
the official radio becan broadcasting to the younger people.
In the 1960's people were impressed of the spaceprograms.
The first man, who had been out in the space, was visiting Denmark
in 1962.
The Russian astronaut, Juri Gagarin, saw Hans Christian
Andersens house in Odense and was applauded by the people.
In the summer of 1962 the first preserved railway line was opened.
It is running from Maribo to Bandholm at the eldest private railway
in Denmark.