January the 14th 1972 king Frederik IX died and his daughter, Margrethe,
became queen of Denmark.
It was more than a year before the new coins were in circulation. There
were some troubles in the design of the new coins, but at last they
came - the same sizes as the ones from the time of King Frederik. The
monogram used on the 'Øre'-coins is designed by the Queen of Denmark.
The young girls of Denmark were collecting 1 Øre coins for their
wedding shoes - it was impossible after June the 30th 1972.
July the 1st 1972 the lowest values of the danish coins, 2 and
1 Øre, couldn't be used as payment anymore because of the inflation.
The 5 Øre is made of iron with a thin cover of copper.

During the 1970's the danish inflation was growing and in 1980 it was
the end of the 10 Krone bank note. The note was replaced by a 10 Krone
coin. The coin was in a new design made for a new series of Danish coins.
However, only the 10 Krone coin was issued.