The 20th Century,
1900 - 1999
The European Union |
The 20th Century is a century where Denmark is growing,
but also is getting smaller because of the many bridges
The population is growing from about 3,000,000 to over
5,000,000 people. People are moving from the countryside
to the cities.
From being a neutral country, Denmark has joined the membership
of NATO and of the European Union.
1914 The first World War
In August 1914 WW1 is beginning. Denmark has before the
war told Germany and the United Kingdom it wanted to stay
neutral and the fighting powers respect the Danish neutrality.
Denmark, Norway, and Sweden are staying together in their
In 1915 the women get the right of voting to the parliament.
The last horse tramway called 'the hen' is running for the last
time at Nørregade in Copenhagen.

1917 The Danish West Indies
The very first referendum in Denmark is taking place in 1916,
where 284,000 are voting for the sale of the Danish West Indies
and 158,000 are voting against the selling. Before the voting
there were negotiations with the United States of America about
the selling and the US agreed Denmark has the sovereignty over
The people living at the Danish West Indies are not asked
what they want to be.
March the 31st 1917 is the Danish West Indies sold to the
United States of America for 25,000,000 golddollars. The
new name for the islands are the US
Virgin Islands.
In WW1 the last shot was taken just before 11.11 AM November
the 11th 1918. Even Denmark was neutral many ships were lost,
667 seamen died, and from the old Danish county, Slesvig, over
6,000 Danish men were killed during the war. In the German parliament
the leader of the Danes in Slevig is making a proposal about returning
of Slesvig to Denmark. The Germans agree and Denmark is sending
the wish to the victory powers.
After the war the women begins to use dresses going up to the
knees - 26 women advertise in all newspapers against these dresses.
1920 Slesvig
Slesvig is before the referendum divided in 3 zones. The
northern - 1st zone - having their referendum Februar the
10th 1920, 75,431 votes Danish and 25,319 votes German.
March the 14th is the referendum taking place in the next
zone, there is 12,800 Danish votes and 51,724 German votes.
The referendum in the southernmost - 3rd zone - has never
taken place.
The most national day in Denmark, June the 15th, the allies from
the worldwar is transferring the northern part of Slesvig - 1st
zone - to Denmark, and July the 10th 1920 king Christian is crossing
the old border between Denmark and Germany on a white horse.