In 1952 a new series of paper money began to be issued.
The first values were 5 Kroner and 10 Kroner, which are both
very beautiful.


The first issue of the 10 Kroner banknote was in the same size as the
5 Kroner note, which is not common in the European countries.

Different organisations like the organisation for the blind people
were arguing against the idea of the same size, and already a half year
later a new 10 Kroner bank note was issued in a larger size and with
different colors.
Over the next eight years the rest of the old Heilmann-series
was exchanged to the 1952 series, with the 500 Kroner paper money
being that last one in 1960. The Heilmann-series lasted for a
total of 50 years!
The 1952 series has portraits of Danish renowns on
the left and on the right is a picture, which has something to
do with the person portraited.

Because of the inflation the ploughman could only effort one horse
portraited on the new 500 Krone bank note - so people said.

N.B. The banknotes on this site are reproduced
with permission of the
National Bank