To prevent forgery a new series of paper money
was issued. It was a goodbye to the special Danish and a hello
to an European look.
It is named Serie 1972 and all have on the reverse a picture
of a Danish animal.
The faces at the front of the paper money are taken from paintings
made by the painter Niels Juul.
For the first time Denmark got a new value of the Krone bank
notes - 1,000 Kroner - which became the highest value of the series.

From 1970 until 1982 Denmark had a growing inflation. 1980 the
10 Krone paper money
was replaced by a coin and a 20 Kroner paper money was issued.
This was the last paper money using Danish made paper.

As a forerunner for the new series of bank notes issued in 1997
a 100 Krone note were issued in 1995 with some more security and
a little changed colors.