Three month old I began to think what kind of life I was going to get.

In the first years we had a housemaid, who was taking care of me. She
was not the only one, my mother and my 2 sisters were of course also
taking care of me.
I guess I didn't got any chance to get the sleep I should have - there
must be a reason why I only sleep about 6 hours a day.
Like other countries in Europe it took some time before things got
back to normal.
I remember my mother was cutting ration coupons, when we should go
out shopping.
About 500 meters away was a grocer's shop, a hosiery shop, a dairy,
a glazier shop, and a delicatessen shop. If we should have some vinegar,
we had to get an empty bottle and go to the grocer's shop, where the
grocer filled the bottle and put a label on the bottle telling it was
vinegar in the bottle.
At the diary you could get bread, several kinds of milk, beer, and
mineral water. You could also get whipped cream.
At the grocer we bought potatoes, radish, and soap powder.
At the hosiery shop we bought one or more buttons, sewing thread, or
handed in some of my mothers nylons for re-meshing.
The glazier came form time to time and repared broken glass.
At the delicatessen shop we could get all the things for making typical
Danish smorbrod - a kind of open sandwiches - with herrings, liver pâté,
salami, and a lot of other things. I remember that the floor in the
shop was covered with sawdust, and behind the door was one sometimes
two barrels with the herrings.