The 19th Century, 1800 -
War with The United Kingdom |
1867 Selling
In 1867 Denmark tries to sell the Danish colonies
in the Caribbean to the United States for 10,000,000 golddollars,
but the US-senat don't agree the deal. |
1875 Scandinavian Convention
Sweden, Norway and Denmark are agreeding to a monetary convention in
1873. Norway and Sweden has already gold as a monetary standard, while
Denmark still has silver.
From January the 1st 1875 Denmark change to have gold as standard,
and the Krone and
Øre as monetary standard.
Women can study at the university from 1875 except theology. In 1877
you can see people running on roller-blades in Copenhagen for the first
time, and at the Danish West Indies all children shall join the school.

1882 The Co-Operative Thought
Not far away from the Danish western harbough, Esbjerg, the first co-operative
dairy is etablished in 1882. This is the beginning of the Danish export
of dairy-products to England.
In 1887 the political party for the farmers tries to forbid margarine.
The first dry cells of the world are produced in Copenhagen
One of the first automobile in Europe running by gasoline was constructed
in 1888 by Hans Urban Johansen, a Danish smith, who worked at a factory
in Copenhagen.
The car was running every day from Skovshoved to Copenhagen
a distance of 10 Miles. Today (1998) you can see the wellpreserved
automobile at the Tecnical Museum at Elsinore. The car can still
running! |
1892 you can buy bananas in Denmark, and the 1st of january 1899 you
can buy transfer tickets for use at the streetcars of Copenhagen.