The largest value of a coin given out since Denmark got the Krone and
Øre is the 200 Krone coin. The coins are made of silver and are thicker
and bigger than any silvercoin issued since 1875. It can happen people
are refusing a 200 Krone coin as payment, even the Danish Centralbank
tells the coins are valid as payment.
The Queen is famous in Denmark with her hats. The Queens 50th birthday
- April the 16th 1990 - was celebrated by these 2 coins. The portrait
of Queen is with a big hat.

The silverwedding of Queen Margrethe II and Prince Henrik was celebrated
in June 1992 by issuing a silver 200 Krone and a 20 Krone. The coins
is showing what an adventury the royal family is.

In 1995 a 1,000 years had passed since the coyning of the first Danish
coin.The silver 200 Krone is only coined in 27,727 copies.